dimanche 26 avril 2009

Is the euro has become a serious competitor to the dollar?

A result of the repercussions of the global financial crisis on the American economy in general and the U.S. dollar exchange rate, in particular, has made all of Russia, China, Brazil and India, seeks proposals for holding an international conference to discuss a unified global currency instead of U.S. dollar. It was noted that the countries of the European Union was implied consent to this proposal, thinking that the euro currency, the alternative may be to prove after its currency to the dollar competition.

It was noted that the common European currency, which decided to adopt it at the Madrid Summit in 1995 was the beginning of its deliberation in 2002 proved to the exchange rate of European currencies that have been dispensed with, so it can be said firmly that he has more than U.S. currency. Studies also showed that the percentage of participation of the United States in world trade since the beginning of the third millennium are the limits of 18.9%, while the European rate is only 23.4%. Moreover, the balance of foreign currency at the Central Bank reached U.S. 59.8 billion, while the European Central Bank in the 409 billion, despite the current financial crisis. But lost sight of experts that the adoption of the euro is not a unified currency for all member States of the European Union, and the world price continues to see many of the swing the result of widespread weakness in the arteries of the European economy and in particular in the industrial sector, which is the inability to crisis serious competition in the face of the Chinese industrial sector, industrial sector or emerging strongly in Brazil and India. Eight United States can not in any way to approve the adoption of alternative currency than the dollar because it constitutes the backbone of the U.S. economy, which despite its current crisis, but he is still stronger than the economies of industrialized countries as the dollar is the currency in which the only global does not have any gold because of its security coverage is the economic power enjoyed by the United States, the euro has not yet gained the confidence to seek and support supposed to submit to it, especially since there are voices out from time to time after the European countries and calls for a halt to the euro and return to the national currency, which had been the case previously. There is another fundamental issue concerning the system adopted in the basket of the currencies of most countries of the world and borrow from these countries, which was adopted on the basis of the dollar, and the reserves of many countries of the foreign currency, which is led by the dollar .. Is it easy to change between each overnight ..??

mardi 21 avril 2009

Presentation of the acquisition of German real estate bank The Fund's bank was introduced to the German government to acquire a bank,

Presentation of the acquisition of German real estate bank The Fund's bank was introduced to the German government to acquire a bank,

"Hypo Real State" of the troubled mortgage lender. The Fund said the stability of financial markets, the German "Sovin" The introduction of cash 1.39 euros (1.82 dollars) for the shares will remain in effect until the fourth of May next. It is possible to complete the transaction through a special law went into effect on 9 April. If the bank's shareholders rejected the offer, the right of the government takeover of the bank by force, the minimum price of 1.26 euros per share. The Chairman of the Board of Directors Hans Sovin Reem said "in light of the serious situation which he finds a Hypo Real State Holding the same, we believe that before an attractive price." He added that the control of the entire stock by 100% is the "only way in which we can implement the actions necessary to bring about the stability of the bank's financial markets and thus are legal permanent efficiently." It was the largest contributor to the World Bank Group controlled by U.S. investor Christopher Flowers owns 21.7% of the shares. The Group expressed its desire to maintain the same quota. This is an emergency law, which was described as a last resort to bring about stability in the German capital market is the first time in modern Germany in which banks shareholders to the possibility of confiscation of their property. The Government has already bought an 8.7% share of troubled bank, and represents a first step to impose full control and reduce the share of Flowers, which amounts to 24%. The Munich-based bank had announced in October that he was facing financial difficulties.

Waiting for the Russian economy to recover from the repercussions of the crisis

Waiting for the Russian economy to recover from the repercussions of the crisis
Russian economy is recovering by the end of this year or he would face a second wave of the winds of crisis? Different views of economists and practitioners about this, Some optimistic that the most difficult periods of the economy has passed. And falls within this category Central Bank chief Sergei Iegnatiev Assistant to the President and the Russian Arkady Dvorkovich. Their economists expect the Bank of Goldman Sachs growth in the fourth quarter of this year will continue next year also marks the outcome of 2.8%, according to a report published by the Bank recently. However, other economists fear of future problems, the Russian economy will have to face .. Highlighted the increasing volume of non-performing loans to Russian banks, namely the inability of borrowers debt payments to pay for the banks.

Decline in the total wealth of the rich Russians b $ 380 billion

Decline in the total wealth of the rich Russians b $ 380 billion
The magazine "Forbes" on the decline in total wealth of the rich Russians b 380 billion dollars for this year are only $ 142 billion, due to the global financial crisis. The list included the name of the new 100 richest men in Russia, published by the magazine in its edition of April 17, of whom only 32 billionaires. While the number in the list of 110 people last year. Issued and the Russian businessman Mikhail Brochrov this list and worth an estimated 9 billion and a half billion dollars. , Followed by Roman Abramovich's wealth is estimated at the British 8 and a half billion dollars, the sole owner of the bronze on the company "Lukoil" Russian oil wealth is estimated at 7.8 billion dollars.

Tech stocks, and good. JPMorgan paid the Wall Street rise

Tech stocks, and good. JPMorgan paid the Wall Street rise Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:00 pm GMT NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. stocks jumped on Thursday to the expectations of the outcome of reassuring giant like Google,

which raised the stocks of companies in the technology, while promoting good profits. Morgan hopes of better-than-expected investors in the stability of banks. Investors, encouraged by the early signs of reversing the economic slowdown and bet on the profits of technology companies that would involve the good surprises, prompting Yahoo shares to rise more than two percent. Gained good. JPMorgan Chase one of the components of the Dow 2.1 percent after the Bank announced the results exceeded analyst expectations with the rise of the proceeds of the issuance of negotiable bonds. The Dow Jones industrial average DJI 95.81 points, or the equivalent of 1.19 percent, to close at 8125.43 points. The index of the Standard & Poor's 500 was up 13.24 points, or 1.55 percent, at 865.30 points. The Nasdaq Composite Index was up 43.64 points, or technology in the 2.68 percent to 1670.44 points.

dimanche 19 avril 2009

How do I choose the appropriate brokerage company?

The name of God the Merciful
The most important things that must be the question of the After that I understood the general principles on how the margin trading system and the mechanism of action speculate on the prices of currencies, after it became able to read the chart for the currency and you have become a good idea of how to predict the prices of currencies and methods of technical analysis and news. Has now become eligible for the transition phase of the process in this new area by opening an account with one of brokerage firms trading in currencies. There are hundreds of brokerage firms that operate through the Internet, some of the monthly trading volume up to several billion dollars to companies that track a lot of countries are the U.S., British and other countries. On the basis of any brokerage company will choose? And what question you about it before it actually open the account and send money to this company? There are a lot of things that you should learn before they actually open an account with one of brokerage firms to become "you learn a lot, but we preferred to put all of us here in one place. Ensure the credibility of the company When you open an account, the first actual work will be done is to send a sum of money to the brokerage company to be placed in your account and have used in the sale and purchase of currencies has been decided to open your account up to $ thousands of dollars. Before we do so we must be sure that the company will send them the owner is a company registered in the State to which they belong and that the record is clean and free of any manipulation or installed on customer deposits. There are several ways to do this kind of inquiry, the project, including: Asked directly on the guarantees provided by the clients to have money. Contact with the official state of the company as possible. Asked the ancient titles of some customers and contact them and ask them for a way to deal with the company's customers. Inquire about corporate America: The U.S. government required all companies, institutions and individuals who deal with mediation in the financial markets to the detriment of others registered with the CFTC Short of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, a governmental body of the U.S. Congress in the organization of specialized work in the financial markets of different kinds. Follow the body and under the control of other self-regulatory organization called the National Assembly of the Futures National Futures Assosiation NFA and shortened the Assembly before the CFTC is responsible for the control of private enterprise and of its registration and verification of compliance to the standards that ensure the minimum safety of customers in this market in order to preserve the funds of investors In support of national and international confidence in U.S. financial markets. There are many types of institutions and groups that fall under the control of NFA, including brokerage firms trading in the currency market. After moving any brokerage firm in the capital markets to NFA all the documents that prove their consent to the criteria given each company set its own tariff for each of ID may want to use to inquire about the history of this company has been registered with the NFA, where each company record put the name and address of the company's actual and the names of the founders and the number of cases filed against the company by customers who were sentenced or are not of government and other information that will enable the customer to judge the credibility and integrity of brokerage company. Can query this information by contacting Alhataki from within the United States or through the NFA official website where you can inquire about the brokerage company that you want by name or by number on the NFA, a method more accurate and better. Before you open an account with a U.S. brokerage firms asked whether registered with the NFA and requested by the NFA ID number you own. In any case, most of the companies registered with this figure is clearly in the front page, but that has not been able to see this for yourself, you figure the course of the company and available directly from this figure. After receiving this number, you can go to the site of NFA on the Internet and enter the number in the space provided to get the available information and is no doubt that will help you to judge the integrity of the company.

Forex technical terms

Ratio / quota or quota Rate is the rate of currency compared with the others. Key currency The base currency is the first currency in any exchange of my husband. Determine the value of currency in exchange for the interview. (For example, if the ratio of the exchange pair Euro / U.S. $ 1.3525, the euro is the base currency and the value of 1.3525 U.S. dollars). The counter (also known as the indicative price or a point).

The counter is the second currency in any exchange of my husband. And define the basic value for the currency. value. (For example, in the exchange pair is the next Euro / U.S. Dollar currency, the opposite is the U.S. dollar). Offer price (also known as the purchase price)) Offer price (the price to give the area the left) is the price at which traders buy the base currency. If you think that the value of the euro will go down if you choose to buy - you can buy the euro price of the dollar before the indicative price given. Rate of demand (also known at the sale price or demand) Demand the application rate (to give the region the right price) is the price at which dealers sell the base currency. If you think that the value of the euro will rise if you choose to sell - could sell the euro to the dollar before the U.S. price in the price of the application. The difference between the price of supply and demand.) Points (also known as points) One point, 0.0001 of a unit, Journal of Trading Trading is open daily and close deals on the same day of trading. The cost of trading The cost of trading is the price when trading against. Calculated in this way the cost of trading = sale price - purchase price Avoid loss Type of Trade Center to close upon the arrival of a fixed rate to avoid a sale of the loss. You can choose to sell to avoid the loss to reduce the loss when the market affected by the opposite of what you expect. The margin of Is a sum of money placed in trust as collateral to cover possible future loss. Leverage (× 400) Lifting Almaliho get a loan from the seller or dealer, and then you can do to a business transaction fast and cheap, a small amount of the capital. Expressed as a percentage of total capital (located) and real capital (which is the amount of money we borrow). (Eg, 1:400, which allows the lifting of financial purchase or sale of 10000 U.S. dollars to 25 U.S. dollars). Please Note Trade currencies on margin, or lift more than a purchase. If you have 25 dollars in cash in the calculation of the margin has 400:1 Leverage, you can buy the currency value of U.S. $ 10000 that you have to put 0.25% of the purchase price as collateral. This means that while you have 25 dollars in cash and now you have 10000 dollars value of the purchase. On the other hand, while the purchasing power of your profitability more than it increases the Ksartk. We advise you to take the advice of very little time to understand the risks. Make sure to read the margin agreement in order to understand how it works for calculating the margin, and ask questions when going through things is not clear to you.

jeudi 16 avril 2009


Currency referred to in pairs, such as the EUR / USD or USD / JPY. The first currency known as the base currency. Pena called the second interview, currency or the currency of the name. The base currency is the basis of buying and selling. For example, if I bought EUR / USD have been bought and sold dollars euros at the same time. Has done so in the expectation that the rising price of the euro against the dollar.
EUR / USD In this example euro is the currency in the sale and purchase. If you expect the U.S. economy will continue to weaknesses, which hurt the dollar, not the performance of a contract to buy EUR / USD. This means you are expected to buy Euro against the dollar, the price will rise. If you expect the U.S. economy is strong and the euro will weaken against the U.S. dollar, the execution of a contract to sell EUR / USD. This means you are expected to sell euros against the dollar, the price will fall. USD / JPY In this example the U.S. dollar is the currency in the sale and purchase. If you expect that the Japanese government would weaken the yen to help exports, not the performance of a contract to buy USD / JPY. Which means that you buy U.S. dollars and expected the price will rise against the yen. If you expect that Japanese investors would pull money from the U.S. market and return them to Japan, the execution of a contract to sell USD / JPY. This means you are expected to sell dollars against the yen, the price will fall. GBP / USD In this example, the pound sterling is the currency in the sale and purchase. If you expect the British economy will continue to grow in Europe, is carrying out the contract for the purchase of GBP / USD. This means you are expected to buy pounds, the price will rise against the dollar. If you expect the British will start to deal in euros, which would reduce the value of the pound, the execution of a contract to sell GBP / USD. Which means that you sold pounds, expecting that the price will fall against the dollar. USD / CHF In this example the U.S. dollar is the currency in the sale and purchase. If you expect that the price of the franc more than its true value, not the performance of a contract to buy USD / CHF. This means you are expected to buy dollars in exchange for the price rise franc. I expect that the dollar will continue to decline because of the weakness of the U.S. market, the execution of a contract to sell USD / CHF. This means you are expected to sell dollars in exchange for the price will go down the franc. Buying and selling: First of all, the shops must determine whether it wishes to sell or buy. If interested in short order - with wins at the rate of circulation decline - it has to sell. And vice versa for the traffickers who want to buy - where profit is the price rise when the circulation. Margin: Margin deposit is not payment for the purchase of a first loan, in the opinion of many in the stock market. But the margin is the amount of guarantee against loss in trading. Margin trader can move much more than the value of the actual value of the self *. Lower in the case of your money in the account to a minimum margin requirements, the Office of FXCM to close some or all of the contracts, so as to avoid the expense of the low even in the shops negative market moves quickly. * Without proper risk management, this high degree of margin may lead to loss of profits or high Here is an example, if your margin of 1% Because the trader opened a decade of the EUR / USD, had used margin is $ 1000. Usable margin is the funds available for the opening of the account contracts for new or replace the loss. If the decline in the value of the contract on behalf of the user due to the loss margin, the contract closed Ootomatkia. Which means that merchants can not lose more than deposited into the account at all. How to get started: Without obligation or cost, you can open an account by default. The default account / trial account by all the properties of which are normal prices and market analysis and possible implementation of the proceedings live. Demo Account, you can learn about the currency market and test your ability, without any risk. How to trade your demo: used this time to the work plan 1. Select the appropriate currency pair. According to studies of the risk, any currency is the most appropriate method for your business. Some may be quick to move much slower and the other husband decided currencies is best suited to your schedule and Istrutijetk. 2. Select the period in which you want to leave the contract open. On the same day or hours to several days. 3. Held prior to the opening of the fact that the idea of your intention to close it, and select the stop and the Limits computed. 4. Identified the extent of the loss that can be accepted and the anticipated profit. 5. Keep up with the news and important economic analysis that may affect the market

Currency trader. Who is?

Above all, let us know the currency dealer Almiom "Day Trader". What is? What are the temptations that pulls people into the profession. The profession? Yes, like all other professional occupations, and perhaps most exciting of all, the most cause for commitment, credibility and courage and persistence.

From March this trade without making it the profession, then it is a risk of transfer to the game of Roulette, which depends on luck, first and foremost, if it affects more than disappointed. Almiom trade in currencies, is an employee of a PACS, or bank, or any other financial institution, working in the stock market and to stay awake to care for their interests. But we can add to this definition, the definition of another category of these other traders working on their personal and risking their own money in order to obtain a certain profit from the trade. These are the category with which we are concerned in our conversation, what really drives them to practice this profession? Alteryder is the master of himself: he wants to live in, is where it pleases, without the worries of superior and subordinate. In addition, and perhaps this is the most important factor, this work provides the possibility for those who were good at providing an enormous profit in one day is not provided by any other business. The requirement to have the course in all of the conditions that lead to this success. Otherwise, the bitter taste of failure, God has saved us from it. What distinguishes trade in currency markets from other markets. Is that they provide the possibility for a trader to make a profit in the market as the slope in the market high. This is in contrast to stock markets, limited market, high profit, and loss control Palmtaaml low in the market. However, it is incumbent on the other hand, the client who is committed to this market without having to take arms from the weapons of defense and attack; must know, and are bracing for the possibility that here is very high that the market takes it all they have Vijrj not defeat him on his in force. While the opportunity for each trader with experience to be able to gain 500 or 1000 dollars in one day and no more than a capital of only $ 1000. Yes this is true Positives for the currency trading with modest capital. Exchange Market is feature missing from stock markets as a system of supports provided to a dealer for example, moving a large amount of up to $ 100,000 to the capital of no more than a modest collection of 1000 dollars. Besides, the volume of daily foreign exchange market is more than all because of the perception in general of 1.3 billion dollars, and on some days more than three billion dollars. For the five major currencies (U.S. dollar, euro, yen, Swiss franc, the pound sterling.) There is at any moment, the supply and demand. The seller went to Shar. So I do not see any need for concern by the client not being able to get out of the deal, at a given moment. As mentioned, an important positive factor in the distinction of dealing spare foreign currency markets, Alaoho Amkanbp deals throughout the day, 24 hours, in full, so that the trader to move at any moment, at night as in daytime or the closure of a deal when he heard news is that the impact in the market is in its interest, or which threatens their survival. It does not require waiting for the opening exchanges in the next day so that every new trader may Bode and missed the opportunity of the fall race in the news. It must be said Another positive factor is that this market is the lack of the so-called market in the stock market collapsed. Because these currencies are traded on the basis of the husband so that each coin purchase is a sale of the other currency in the so-called husband .. and so it chose to trade in euros and dollars to buy dollar view believing that the price would be improved at the same time, it had sold the euro, and vice versa . This applies to all the remaining couples formed from the five major currencies that have already mentioned All add to the ease of communication in the case of this market for the closure of the deal, or so in various ways, such, or the Internet.

Forex Currency Trading - FOREX

Forex is the only market in the world which is trading around the clock. 24 consecutive hours. Speed in completing the transactions, the cost is very low, liquidity is high. All these factors make foreign currency trading market (or the foreign exchange market), more exciting for the market traders. The market for trading currencies that can not be equated with market share trading in terms of form, here, there is no known stocks the traditional sense of the word. But is composed of a huge global network is simply connecting a large number of currency traders in the world. Here are hundreds of trading between the banks over the phone or via the Internet.
The major currencies traded are: the U.S. dollar, euro, pound sterling, Japanese yen, Swiss franc, in addition to all the currencies of the world. How it works currency trading: In this market you can buy or sell currencies. Objective is to profit from the value of your contract. The implementation of the debate in the currency market is easy: a mechanical trading is the same in other markets, making the transition to a market exchange easy. The five largest centers are traded between banks, which account for two thirds of the volume of global exchange are: London, New York, Zurich, Frankfurt and Tokyo. Who are the players on this scene? 1 international banks. It is no secret to anyone that the banks are the largest and most important players in the arena of global trade in currencies. Are conducting thousands of transactions daily around the clock, which they exchange among themselves, or with Albrookr Aoualemsttmaren ordinary, through the permanent representatives in this area. It is well known that the biggest impact in moving the market and to identify and exclusively in the hands of his senior international banks, as their transactions amounting to billions of dollars daily. 2 Central Banks. Central banks conduct their transactions in this market on behalf of their governments, which often move in to influence the course of the direction taken by the private currencies, according to the interest to be consistent with financial policies, and thus protect its economic interests. 3 investment funds. Is due mostly to the institutional investors or pension funds or insurance companies, interfere in the market, according to the dictates of their interests. Recall the most famous of these funds, "H", a fund owned by renowned investor George Soros, who wrote a history in this area is still considered one of the largest direct investors who are able to influence the course of the market. 4 clients trade currencies. Important of these are limited in linking between buyers and sellers. In other words they are moving from the point as mediators between the different banks, the other hand between the banks and ordinary investors. In return for their work that they Ihzbon commission, or the so-called Brockerj. 5 independent people. These are ordinary people who have huge daily turnover of currency to finance their trips planned, or to secure access to their salaries, or at retirement, and so on. Today, the impact of the revolution that brought the Internet to the global communications and, after the successive collapses in the stock markets, and under the influence of the foggy atmosphere, which the Treasury bond markets in the world, is growing little by little the role of the independent dealers who have modest amounts of money in buying and selling daily, "the Day Trader. " Growing influence and grow the market in foreign currency exchange, so that many of them are engaged in this work, and spend their days in front of computers and buy all the selling, according to his vision of the course of today's events Circulation around the clock. As previously stated, the work on the currency markets over the past 24 hours. In the Calendar Today the most visible, start first in the Far East, in New Zealand, then moved to the role of Sydney in Australia, then to Tokyo and from there to Honkkong, Vsingaporp, and then Moscow, Frankfurt, London and finally New York, Flosse Angeles. Begin the work of foreign currency traders in Western Europe, seven in the morning. In the eighth in the work. It is necessary to devote the first half hour each day to analyze the market conditions, and study the latest developments of the day to bring about substantive, technical art, after which access to the new daily newspapers, or the exchange of information and contained the leak to the market, which could influence the course of the market. And thus have a clear idea, from which today's program, which is applied must be adjusted if needed to be the work of the day.

Forex Online Trading

The Basics of Trading the Forex Market (Foreign Exchange)
Basics of Forex online trading to help you get started. Foreign exchange market terminology is provided.

Before you begin trying to trade the Forex (foreigh currency exchange), you should be familiar with the main terminology and ideas used in this market.
PipPip stands for "percentage in point". This is the basic unit of price in the Forex market. This is similar to stocks, for example, which use dollars and cents to as the base numbers. Pips can refer to the number of ticks or units a currency pair has moved. For example, assume you are trading the EUR/USD (the Euro Dollar and US Dollar) pairing. If the price has moved up from 1.5480 to 1.5485, that is a 5 pip movement.
A pip is also a unit of money you are trading. A standard lot is based on a 100,000 units and each pip is valued at approximately $10.00. Typically, to trade a standard lot, you will need approximately $1,000 per lot (or unit). Using the same example, that 5-pip move up would have been equal to a $50 move. There are also mini accounts that allow you to trade with much less capital, while also reducing the pip value. Typically, most brokers with mini accounts will base their mini lots on 10,000 units per lot, with a pip value of approximately $1.00 per pip. With mini accounts, you will need approximately $100 per lot/unit you want to trade.
LeverageLeverage trading, or trading on margin, means you do not have to put up the full value of the position. As mentioned above, a standard lot is worth approximately $100,000. If there were no leverage involved (or a leverage of 1:1), you would need to deposit the full amount to trade one lot. However, all brokers will offer you leverage of 50:1 to 400:1.
While more leverage makes it much easier to trade more lots, there is a danger with it as well. Think of leverage as a double-edged sword. Yes, it can help you control more money, but if you have a loss, you can also lose more of your own money.
Here is an example: assume you have $5000 in your account. Your broker offers you 100:1 leverage. This means that you can trade up to 5 lots and control $500,000 worth of currency. This also means that for every 1 pip in price movement, you will gain or lose $50. Remember, typically for every $1000 in available margin at 100:1 leverage will control $100,000 in currency and that every pip (i.e. price movement) will be worth $10.
Using the same information: if a broker were to offer you 400:1 leverage, then your $5000 would be able to control $2,000,000 in currency. This gives you the ability to trade 20 lots at a time, which means each pip movement would be approximately $200…so that 5-pip movement from above would equal to a gain or loss of $1000!
So, you can see that while a higher leverage can help you control more currency and give you the ability to make more money, if you are wrong, you will lose more. Take the use of leverage seriously and with respect and you are already ahead of the game.
Margin CallYou never want to get one of these. Basically, a margin call is when you are contacted if your account falls below a certain level (you will know that level that is when you open your account with your broker.)
Here is a simple example: You open an account with $2000. You open a position with one lot. You have now have only $1000 in usable margin to either open another lot or to buffer any losses you had on your first open lot. Let’s say that you use that remaining $1000 to open another lot. You now have $2000 of USED margin, with ZERO remaining usable margin. Your trade goes against you by 10 pips (which with 2 lots is $200). Depending on your broker, they will either automatically close the trade and you will have nothing left in your account or you will be contacted via phone or other means saying you must deposit additional capital to cover the deficit. Fortunately with most Forex brokers, your risk is limited to the funds you had on deposit.
Price Quotes: Base Currency / Quote CurrencyAll transactions are based in pairs, buying one and selling another. The first currency quoted is called the base currency, while the second one quoted is called the quote currency. As an example, here is a typical currency quote: EUR/USD 1.5280
In this example, the base currency (EUR) is the Euro Dollar and the quote currency (USD) is the US Dollar.
So, using this example (if you were buying), the quote of 1.5280 means that you would have to pay 1.5820 US Dollars to buy 1 Euro Dollar. Conversely, if you were selling, you would receive 1.5280 US Dollars for each Euro Dollar you sold.
SpreadThis is also called the bid/ask spread. This is the price difference between what a currency pair is being bought and sold for…or a difference between the bid and offer price.
The bid is the price at which the Forex market maker is willing to buy the base currency in exchange for the counter currency. On the other hand, the ask price is the price at which the Forex market maker is willing to sell the base currency in exchange for the counter currency.
Remember that all trades involve the simultaneous purchase of one currency and the sale of another.
Spreads will vary from pairings to pairings. This spread is where your broker will make their money. Every time you make a trade, they make the spread. This is why they charge no commission – because there is no need for it.

Forex Market

History, Size, Location, and Users
As the world’s largest financial market, the forex trading market moves the global economy,
sometimes seeing over USD $3 trillion traded each day.
Forex Market History
Historically, the forex trading market was reserved for central banks, commercial financial institutions, and multinational corporations. However, with the advent of web-based trading applications, small retail traders and even individuals can now participate directly in the forex market on equal footing with these large institutions.
The forex market is an inter-bank or inter-dealer network that was first established in 1971 when many of the world’s major currencies moved towards floating exchange rates (as opposed to fixed rates). It is considered an over-the-counter (OTC) market, meaning that transactions are conducted between two parties that agree to trade by phone or over an electronic network.

Forex Market Location and Hours
Unlike some equity stock markets, such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or the Chicago Options Board Exchange (CBOE), where options and futures are traded, OTC trades are not centralized in one location. Currently, London, England contributes the greatest share of transactions with over 32% of the total trades. Other trading centers—listed in order of volume— are New York, Tokyo, Zurich, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Paris, and Sydney.
Since these trading centers cover most of the major time zones, the FX market is open 24 hours a day, five days a week. For example, traders in New York can start trading on Sunday evening when the market opens in Sydney, and continue trading around the clock as the other trading centers around the globe come online. The week finishes with New York closing at 4:30 PM EST on Friday and starts up again on Sunday evening, when Sydney reopens for trading.

Forex Market Size
The FX market has become the world’s largest financial market, sometimes seeing over USD $3 trillion traded each day. The NYSE—the world’s largest equity market—is dwarfed in comparison, reporting daily trading volumes in the USD $60–$80 billion range. Even when combining the US bond and equity markets, total daily volumes still do not come close to currency market figures.
The most commonly traded currencies are the US Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Japanese Yen (JPY), Great Britain Pound (GBP), Swiss Franc (CHF), Australian Dollar (AUD), and Canadian Dollar (CAD). The sheer volume of trading completed every day in the FX market makes it by far the most liquid and efficient market available. Because of the magnitude of trades, it is virtually impossible for individuals or companies to influence the exchange rate of the more commonly traded currencies through any form of open market operations. No single individual has the resources required to manipulate pricing through targeted buying or selling on the market.

Who Uses the Forex Market?
Individuals and organizations use the forex market at various times.

Consumers and Travelers
Consumers typically need to exchange currencies when they travel or purchase items from foreign vendors. While travelers go to banks or currency exchange offices to convert one currency (typically, their home currency) into another (often the currency of the country they intend to travel to) so they can pay for goods and services while abroad. Travelers need to be aware of exchange rates to ensure they receive a fair deal.
Consumers may purchase goods in a foreign country or over the Internet with their credit card, in which case the amount they pay in the foreign currency is converted to their home currency on their credit card statement.
Although each consumer currency exchange is a relatively small transaction, the aggregate of all such transactions is significant.

Businesses typically need to convert currencies when they work outside their home country. For example, if they export goods to another country and receive payment in that foreign currency, then the payment must typically be converted back to the home currency. Similarly, if they have to import goods or services, then businesses will often have to pay in a foreign currency, requiring them to first convert their home currency.
Large companies convert huge amounts of currency; for example, a company such as General Electric (GE) converts tens of billions of dollars each year. The timing of when they convert can have a large effect on their balance sheet and bottom line. To offset the potential negative effects of currency market volatility and ensure they do not incur losses over time, many businesses use hedging strategies.

Investors and Speculators
Investors and speculators require currency exchange whenever they trade in any foreign investment, be it equities, bonds, bank deposits, or real estate. For example, when Swedish investors buys shares in Sun Microsystems on the NASDAQ, they will have to pay for the shares in U.S. dollars, likely converting Swedish Krona to USD in the process. Similarly, a Japanese real estate investor who sells a New York property may want to convert the proceeds of the sale in U.S. dollars to Japanese yen.
Investors and speculators also trade currencies directly in order to benefit from movements in the currency exchange markets. For example, if an American investor believes that the Japanese economy is strengthening and, as a result, expects the Japanese yen to appreciate in value (go up relative to other currencies), then she may want to buy Japanese yen and take what is referred to as a long position. Similarly, if an American investor believes that the euro will go down over time, then she may want to sell euro to take a short position. Interestingly, investors and speculators can profit equally from currencies becoming stronger (by taking a long position) or from currencies becoming weaker (by taking a short position).
Speculators are often day traders, trying to take advantage of market movements in very short time periods, buying a currency and then selling it again within hours or even minutes. They are attracted to currency trading for numerous reasons:
The size and daily volatility of the market, which provides some individuals with an unparalleled level of excitement.
The almost perfect liquidity of the currency exchange market.
The fact that the currency exchange market is "open" 24 hours a day.
The fact that currencies can be traded with no brokerage charges.

Automated Forex Trading Robots

Automated Forex Trading vs Manual Forex Trading
Forex can be traded in a number of different ways, and in this article we discuss the basic differences between automated trading using forex robots, alias forex expert advisors, and
manual trading.

What are the Differences Between Manual and Automated Forex Trading
The Foreign Currency Exchange (FOREX) market is the largest and most liquid financial market in the world. But, in this huge market, at least 90% of new FOREX traders lose all their money within their first 3 months of trading. Why? People who enter the world of forex is commonly of a fairly high intellect, however, they usually lack the right tools to make profits in the long run. The right tools does not neccesarily mean for instance analytical tools, but rather tools that take away the "human-factor", for we as humans have a number of inherent weaknesses that make us seem almost self-destructive.

FX Automated Trading ReviewsLet's discuss a few human weaknesses...1. Greed. Many times we have a 1% profit, but we feel it is not enough. We want more, 2% or 3% will be better. When the profit really goes to 3%, we will think how about 10%? It's never enough. But the forex market is so volatile, and profits can and often do turn into losses.2. Fear. Fear of losses is often the cause for people to make irrational choices and end up losing all their money. 3. Lack of confidence. A lack of confidence can mean taking a small profit on a trend that goes a very long way, and making larger losses all the time. A lack of confidence is the opposite of greed in this case, but a good trading strategy should dictate where entry and exit points are even before the trade is made.4. Hesitation. Hesitating and not sticking to your plan can be detrimental to your trading performance. Not only does it mean that you might get confused when thinking too much, it also means you loose that vital window of opportunity that would maximize your profits. 5. Weariness. Taking a break is something we all need every now and then. However, taking a break in the fast-paced world of forex can often be the difference between making a profit and a loss. 6. Negligence. We often neglect to pay attention to the smaller things in life, and more so do traders often neglect to pay attention to the minute details of every trade. This can lead to constant losses as every bit of detail often proves to be vital.7. Lack of discipline. Forex trading is often compared to fighting in a war, as you need absolute confidence in both or you will almost definitely perish.
Forex Robot ReviewsTo overcome these terrible weaknesses of humans, people have developed many methods. One of them is called "Automated Trading". Automated (or Automatic) Forex Trading means to trade Forex (Foreign Currencies) using some trading systems, programs, software or robots (on Metatrader MT4 platform it is called as Expert Advisors - EA), without needing a human to physically trade.An automated trading system is a group of specific rules and parameters, governing entry and exit points, having the ability to both generate signals and execute trades automatically. There are many advantages in Automated Forex Trading: 1. Automated trading is executed by computer. Computer technology advancements mean that computers can now process millions of times as many calculation per timeframe as humans can, giving them a clear advantage in the fast-paced world of forex.2. Taking the emotion out of trading. Computers do not trade based on emotions. Period. They only trade based on a certain set of criteria that was programmed into their algorithms.3. Automated trading can take trades day and night, non-stop, no weariness and negligence. EA robots free their owners of the necessity of sticking in front of the computer at all times. Once an effective system is developed and optimized, it can be left to run full automatically and independently. A successful automated trading EA robot will allow its owner to focus on optimizing strategies and money management rules rather than having to constantly watch the market. 4. Computers can run multiple programs simultaneously, so we can use automatic trading EA robots to take multiple trades synchronously. We cannot monitor multiple currency pairs over multiple timeframes all at the same time, yet computers can, and what's more is that you can even run multiple different ea's on the same computer at the same time.5. For day traders or other short term trading fans, automated trading robots are very helpful tools to deal with the high frequency of trades using tick data. Day trading keeps traders exposed in the market very shortly, so sometimes it is safer than long term trading, but it is really difficult for a human to handle. However, for automated trading EA robots , it is just a piece of cake. 6. No whether you are doing long or short term trading, the forex market is always volatile and moves fast, only automated trading can afford faster identification of signals and reaction to them. No doubt, computers will typically beat human beings in the speed of identifying a trading signal and the entry and execution of the corresponding orders. No more missing a trading opportunity.
FX Automated Trading Reviews

Make Money Trading Forex

"A guide to getting started trading forex"

There are various methods to invest your hard earned money without having to rely on mutual fund portfolios, stocks or banks. With today’s market headed in the wrong direction, it’s just simply not safe or viable to invest your money in the stock market unless your a seasoned and experienced investor. So where should you invest your money? This article will explain how trading foreign currency can be a very profitable and satisfying investing experience. This article will detail the steps required in teaching yourself how to trade foreign currencies, what online resources are available for you to reference, which online brokers to open an account with, what kind of account to open and what kind of experience is required. After reading this article, you should have a better understanding of how you can use the foreign currencies market to invest your money.
STEP#1: Learning To Trade Foreign Currency

All it takes to trade currency is some spare time to teach yourself the basics and the motivation to be a successful investor. There are a vast amount of online resources which help teach you how to trade foreign currency. Learning what you’re getting yourself into is absolutely vital. All you really need to get started is a computer and a high speed internet connection,.

The best online resource I’ve been able to find that virtually breaks down every aspect of currency trading into easy and user friendly modules is
www.a7laweb.blogspot.com. This site breaks down currency trading perfectly and structures its offerings into different classifications, such as kindergarten (Beginner) to University (Expert). Following the www.a7laweb.blogspot.com forex education program will give you all the necessary information and education you need to dip your feet into the forex world. The course itself is quite lengthy and requires an initial investment of your time. I can honestly say from experience, that this investment was one of my best. I took the time to read over the course and familiarize myself with the currency market. The foreign exchange market trades 1 trillion dollars worth of currency everyday!! Learning how to take advantage of the currency market is a great investment opportunity Taking this course will also distinguish if this investment method is right for you or not.
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